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League of Champions

Safety Week 2021

Construction Health and Safety Week 2021 is being celebrated across North America from May 3 – 9 with a focus on Fit for Duty. The theme this year is Be Present. Be Focused. Be Safe. The LOC is encouraging our membership to plan virtual or on-site events to highlight health and safety initiatives and celebrate team and industry success.

In the past, Safety Week has been the perfect time for the industry to reconfirm their commitment to working safely, educate workers and demonstrate leadership. Pre-COVID, the League of Champions worked alongside our membership to organize physical events with an open invitation to members to gather and support our movement. The pandemic in early 2020 did not allow us the same opportunity and we are eagerly anticipating Safety Week 2021.

The League of Champions together with the Ontario General Contractors Association (OGCA) and several other leading associations have decided once again to designate the full month of May for Safety focused activities. The focus for the month is Fitness for Duty.

Each week in May, we are focusing on one category of the four states of Fitness for Duty;

  • May 3-9 Mental Health

  • May 10-16 Physical Health

  • May 17-23 Emotional Health

  • May 24-30 Competency

Note that May 3-9 Mental Health focus also coincides with the Canadian Mental Health Association – Mental Health Week #GetReal.

If you are planning an in-person or virtual Safety event and would like to have a Champion join you and participate, please contact Judith Reda and we will see if something can be accommodated given the COVID-19 protocols that will be in place then.

We also welcome your event photos for our website and social media promotion. Remember to tag us in your posts. Twitter @theLOChampions, Instagram @thelochampions, LinkedIn @theLOC, @SafetyAndHealthWeek, @SafetyWeek_2021, #ConstructionSafetyWeek

You will be hearing more about Safety Week and Safety Month in the coming weeks but we wanted to get you all thinking and planning. Visit and for more details.

My current personal plan is to take the week “off” from my regular duties to visit all of the Gillam project sites and while maintaining physical distancing protocols hold open-air events and celebrate safety, education, demonstrate leadership and the need for everyone to be safe every day by reinforcing the message of Be Present. Be Focused. Be Safe. I of course will be wearing my League of Champions Jersey and will have other Gillam Jerseys at all of our projects sites on display to allow everyone to make their own safety pledge to work safe every day, to make sure those beside them work safe and that everyone goes home safe and sound at the end of each and every day!

If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns please do not hesitate to let Judith or myself know. You can reach me anytime at

Craig Lesurf

Chair, League of Champions

President, Gillam Group

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